What You Can Do If You Have A Grumpy Cat

Just like people, cats can go through mood swings. The good news is that most of the things that cats make upset, anxious, or lethargic can be fixed. If you notice a change in your cat's demeanor, it is your job to investigate this and find out if you can help. Here are four common issues that can bring out the grumpy in your cat, along with ways to make them happier. Read More 

Oral Care For Pets: Why It’s More Important Than You Realize

Good oral health isn't just important for humans; pets need to take care of their pearly whites, too. Damaged or decaying teeth can lead to all kinds of problems in cats and dogs, so it's important that you keep an eye on your pet's teeth to ensure they stay healthy. Here are just a few reasons why caring for your dog or cat's teeth is more important that you may realize. Read More 

4 Signs It Is Time To Take Your Pet To The Emergency Animal Hospital

If you have a pet that is in need of medical assistance, you need to get it the best help possible. In some cases, this means going to a 24 hour emergency animal hospital because waiting for an appointment at your regular vet may not be the best option. To help you decide whether the emergency hospital is the best option at the moment, you will want to review the following four signs. Read More 

Fires And Floods: Preparing For A Natural Disaster When You Have A Dog & How To Help After Disaster Strikes

As a dog owner, you know your dog is part of the family, so you need to make sure you include him in your disaster preparation plans. You also need to learn a few basic ways you can help your pet if he does get caught in the middle of a fire or flood alongside you. Follow these tips on what you can do now to prepare for disaster and how to help your pet if he gets caught in the midst of one. Read More 

6 Things Guinea Pig Owners Need To Know About Heatstroke

During the summer months, high temperatures can put you at risk of heatstroke, a severe form of heat illness that occurs when your body temperature reaches dangerous levels. However, you're not the only one who can get heatstroke. If you're playing outdoors with your guinea pig, your furry friend is also in danger. Guinea pigs are very susceptible to heatstroke, and if it's too warm for you, it's too warm for your pig, too. Read More